Of the three Republicans, only one of them has run a positive campaign.
Of the three Republicans, only one of them has any significant legislative experience.
Of the three Republicans, only one of them has a proven conservative record.
Of the three Republicans, only one of them has earned the praises of Newt Gingrich.
Of the three Republicans, only one of them promises to co-sponsor the Fair Tax.
Of the three Republicans, only one of them is a safe bet to win back this seat.
And it just so happens that it happens to be the same person, that person is Florida State Representative Gayle Harrell. She may not have wealthy family members donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to the National, Wisconsin, and Colorado Republican Parties, but she has something money can’t buy… unwaivering conservative values and an unrivaled commitment to the people she represents.
To read more about what Kevin thinks, visit his site.
You can also visit Huck PAC to vote for Gayle by clicking here.