Upon reading the article, there are several quotes provided by prominent Evangelical Leaders, none of which are inflammatory on their own. The comments which are drawing all the fire, or fueling it, are supposedly from "Other well-placed Christian conservatives". Well, just who the hell are these people? Do they even exist? Are they made up people, by the author, to help stir up the hornet's nest?
So now it has come to pass, the day when we can no longer criticize a public official for any reason without fear of being labeled a bigot, a racist, or a sexist. If this all sounds familiar, well it should, this is what the Liberals have been pushing for, for decades. The funny thing is, I do not hear the same uproar when the criticism is focused on the Christian community. Are they the only group that is "fair game"?
Personally, I happen to agree with writer, speaker, and radio host: Gregg Jackson. The reason this was and continues to be a big deal is because Mitt Romney is purposely playing the victim in order to hide from his Liberal record as Governor of Massachusetts.
Surreal as it seems, this is part of a larger Romney campaign strategy. For most of this year, Romniacs have been pointing the finger at the GOP base and accusing them of bigotry for not being interested in Mitt. Among the most prominent Romniacs are talk show hosts Hugh Hewitt and Sean Hannity, who have been calling evangelical noninterest in Mr. Romney ugly bigotry again and again. Ugly bigotry? Excuse me?
Since when does not being interested in a political candidate put you in the same category as the Ku Klux Klan? Since when does a politician have the right to publicly slander you, your religion and your constitutional right to vote for whomever you want for whatever your reason? If Mr. Romney is right, then the history of the last 40 years of presidential elections is the history of ugly bigotry. Americans elected evangelicals or men who pretended to be in each election.
Mr. Romney's eight-month bigotry crusade is perhaps the final piece of evidence that he is a closet liberal. A half-century Democrat talking point is “evangelicals are bigots.” Evangelicals founded the Republican Party. This is the first time a Republican candidate has tried to win votes by guilt-tripping the GOP base.
When we published an expose on Mr. Romney on Townhall.com showing his governor's record reveals him to be nearly as liberal as Ted Kennedy, Romniacs descended in droves clutching a large suitcase of evidence showing we were completely wrong. Just kidding. They called us “bigots.” Mr. Jarmin's piece is the latest and most hysterical Romniac response to our expose.
Romniacs act like the Vast Right Wing Conspiracy is back, trying to take down their man — just like they tried to do to Hillary's husband. Blinded by hatred, this bigot conspiracy will stoop to anything to stop Mitt — anything — including showing voters his governor's record. Read more...
I have been granted permission by Gregg to include some of his writings in my blogs, so please visit and enjoy his site for more very informative articles. Also be sure to check out his book, "Conservative Comebacks To Liberal Lies".